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随着程序规模的变大,程序往往会分成多个函数,然后通过函数调用方式运行程序。函数调用涉及传参和接收返回值。因此,需要有一个统一的调用规则,这样在编译某个函数时,不需要知道它是如何被调用的,只需要按照约定从对应的寄存器或者内存地址取出来就可以了。同时在编译函数调用代码时,也不需要知道函数的具体实现,只需要按照调用规则,将参数放到规定的位置然后跳转到被调函数的起始位置,然后在被调函数返回之后从规定的位置获取返回值即可。每个处理器架构都会约定一个调用约定,约定函数参数和返回值存放的位置。根据RISC-V调用约定(RISC-V Calling Conventions),当寄存器不够用的时候会将其存储到函数栈帧中(各种类型参数如何传递参见RISC-V调用约定,本文侧重于分析函数栈帧)。包括以下几种情况:


以上需要在函数栈帧中存储的内容会形成一个栈帧布局,栈帧如何布局目前没有一个统一的规则。为了让不同编译器编译的代码可以互相调用,至少需要统一通过栈传入的参数相对栈的位置和顺序(也就是下图中的outgoing stack arguments区域)。至于其他内容,不同编译器可以有自己的实现,不影响调用方的传参方式。本文给出GCC中实现的函数栈帧布局及其具体实现。其中函数栈帧包含以下内容:

high memory address

|                               | 属于函数调用者的outgoing stack arguments区域,
|  incoming stack arguments     | 放在这里便于理解。
|                               | (从下往上分配,padding在上面)
|===============================| <-- caller sp
|                               |
|  callee-allocated save area   | 当参数需要两个寄存器但是只有一个可用时,需要将
|  for argument that are        | 通过寄存器传递的部分(参数中的低位)存入该区域。
|  split between register and   | 从而和存储在incoming stack arguments中的
|  the stack                    | 另一半组成一个整体。简称partial register区域
|                               | (从上往下分配,padding在下面)
|                               |
|  callee-allocated save area   | 匿名参数通过寄存器传递时,需要将其存储到该区域。
|  for register varargs         | 会跟incoming stack arguments区域衔接。简称varargs区域
|                               | (从下往上分配,padding在下面)
|                               |
|  GPR save area                | 用于存储需要存储的callee-saved整数寄存器。
|                               | (从上往下分配,padding在下面)
|                               |
|  FPR save area                | 用于存储需要存储的callee-saved浮点数寄存器。
|                               |
|                               |
|  local variables              | 用于存储局部变量。
|                               |
|                               |
|  dynamic allocation           | 调用__builtin_alloca动态分配的栈内存。
|                               |
|                               |
|  outgoing stack arguments     | 用于存储在调用函数时通过栈传递的参数。
|                               | (从下往上分配,padding在上面)
|===============================| <-- callee sp

low memory address




// 编译参数:riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc -O0 -S

#include <stdarg.h>

void f(long long a);

void long_args(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7, long long a8, int a9)

int va_sum(int args_num, ...)
  int sum = 0;
  va_list ap;
  va_start(ap, args_num);
  for (int i = args_num; i > 0; i--)
    int arg = va_arg(ap, int);
    sum = sum + arg;
  return sum;

int main()
  long long *data = (long long*)__builtin_alloca(sizeof(long long));
  *data = 0x900000008ll;
  long_args(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, *data, 10);
  va_sum(8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);


        addi    sp,sp,-64
        sw      ra,44(sp)
        sw      s0,40(sp)
        addi    s0,sp,48
        sw      a0,-20(s0)
        sw      a1,-24(s0)
        sw      a2,-28(s0)
        sw      a3,-32(s0)
        sw      a4,-36(s0)
        sw      a5,-40(s0)
        sw      a6,-44(s0)
        sw      a7,12(s0)
        lw      a0,12(s0)
        lw      a1,16(s0)
        call    f
        lw      ra,44(sp)
        lw      s0,40(sp)
        addi    sp,sp,64
        jr      ra
        addi    sp,sp,-80
        sw      s0,44(sp)
        addi    s0,sp,48
        sw      a0,-36(s0)
        sw      a1,4(s0)
        sw      a2,8(s0)
        sw      a3,12(s0)
        sw      a4,16(s0)
        sw      a5,20(s0)
        sw      a6,24(s0)
        sw      a7,28(s0)
        sw      zero,-20(s0)
        addi    a5,s0,32
        sw      a5,-40(s0)
        lw      a5,-40(s0)
        addi    a5,a5,-28
        sw      a5,-32(s0)
        lw      a5,-36(s0)
        sw      a5,-24(s0)
        j       .L3
        lw      a5,-32(s0)
        addi    a4,a5,4
        sw      a4,-32(s0)
        lw      a5,0(a5)
        sw      a5,-28(s0)
        lw      a4,-20(s0)
        lw      a5,-28(s0)
        add     a5,a4,a5
        sw      a5,-20(s0)
        lw      a5,-24(s0)
        addi    a5,a5,-1
        sw      a5,-24(s0)
        lw      a5,-24(s0)
        bgt     a5,zero,.L4
        lw      a5,-20(s0)
        mv      a0,a5
        lw      s0,44(sp)
        addi    sp,sp,80
        jr      ra
        addi    sp,sp,-48
        sw      ra,44(sp)
        sw      s0,40(sp)
        addi    s0,sp,48
        addi    sp,sp,-16
        addi    a5,sp,8
        addi    a5,a5,15
        srli    a5,a5,4
        slli    a5,a5,4
        sw      a5,-20(s0)
        lw      a3,-20(s0)
        li      a4,8
        li      a5,9
        sw      a4,0(a3)
        sw      a5,4(a3)
        lw      a5,-20(s0)
        lw      a4,0(a5)
        lw      a5,4(a5)
        li      a3,10
        sw      a3,4(sp)
        sw      a5,0(sp)
        mv      a7,a4
        li      a6,7
        li      a5,6
        li      a4,5
        li      a3,4
        li      a2,3
        li      a1,2
        li      a0,1
        call    long_args
        li      a5,8
        sw      a5,0(sp)
        li      a7,7
        li      a6,6
        li      a5,5
        li      a4,4
        li      a3,3
        li      a2,2
        li      a1,1
        li      a0,8
        call    va_sum
        li      a5,0
        mv      a0,a5
        addi    sp,s0,-48
        lw      ra,44(sp)
        lw      s0,40(sp)
        addi    sp,sp,48
        jr      ra



Gimple IR到RTL IR的转换

additational option: -fdump-tree-optimized -fdump-rtl-expand

从下面对应的Gimple IR可以看出跟C代码类似,使用变量。当其被lowering到RTL IR的时候,才会根据TARGET的ABI约定进行传参。

long_args (int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7, long long int a8, int a9)
  <bb 2> :
  f (a8_2(D));


va_sum (int args_num)
  void * D.1487;
  void * D.1488;
  int arg;
  int i;
  void * ap;
  int sum;
  int D.1479;
  int _10;

  <bb 2> :
  sum_4 = 0;
  __builtin_va_start (&ap, 0);
  i_8 = args_num_7(D);
  goto <bb 4>; [INV]

  <bb 3> :
  _16 = ap;
  _17 = _16 + 4;
  ap = _17;
  arg_13 = MEM[(int *)_16];
  sum_14 = sum_1 + arg_13;
  i_15 = i_2 + -1;

  <bb 4> :
  # sum_1 = PHI <sum_4(2), sum_14(3)>
  # i_2 = PHI <i_8(2), i_15(3)>
  if (i_2 > 0)
    goto <bb 3>; [INV]
    goto <bb 5>; [INV]

  <bb 5> :
  __builtin_va_end (&ap);
  _10 = sum_1;
  ap ={v} {CLOBBER};

  <bb 6> :
  return _10;


main ()
  long long int * data;
  int D.1482;
  long long int _1;
  int _8;

  <bb 2> :
  data_4 = __builtin_alloca (8);
  *data_4 = 38654705672;
  _1 = *data_4;
  long_args (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, _1, 10);
  va_sum (8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);
  _8 = 0;

  <bb 3> :
  return _8;


首先看在main中调用long_args的rtl代码是如何传递参数的,主要涉及到如下RTL。其中a0到a6分别存放arg1~arg7参数(指令20到26)。而arg8参数(即reg 134)分成了2部分,低4字节存放在a7寄存器(指令19),高4字节存放在virtual-outgoing-args+0的内存位置(指令18)。然后arg9存放在virtual-outgoing-args+4的内存位置(指令17)。


(insn 5 2 6 2 (set (reg/f:SI 2 sp)
        (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 2 sp)
            (const_int -16 [0xfffffffffffffff0]))) "/app/example.c":28:33 -1
(insn 6 5 7 2 (set (reg:SI 75)
        (reg/f:SI 68 virtual-stack-dynamic)) "/app/example.c":28:33 -1
(insn 7 6 8 2 (set (reg:SI 76)
        (plus:SI (reg:SI 75)
            (const_int 15 [0xf]))) "/app/example.c":28:33 -1
(insn 8 7 9 2 (set (reg:SI 77)
        (lshiftrt:SI (reg:SI 76)
            (const_int 4 [0x4]))) "/app/example.c":28:33 -1
     (expr_list:REG_EQUAL (udiv:SI (reg:SI 76)
            (const_int 16 [0x10]))
(insn 9 8 10 2 (set (reg/f:SI 78)
        (ashift:SI (reg:SI 77)
            (const_int 4 [0x4]))) "/app/example.c":28:33 -1
(insn 10 9 11 2 (set (mem/f/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 67 virtual-stack-vars)
                (const_int -4 [0xfffffffffffffffc])) [6 data+0 S4 A32])
        (reg/f:SI 78)) "/app/example.c":28:33 -1
(insn 11 10 12 2 (set (reg/f:SI 79)
        (mem/f/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 67 virtual-stack-vars)
                (const_int -4 [0xfffffffffffffffc])) [6 data+0 S4 A32])) "/app/example.c":29:9 -1
(insn 12 11 13 2 (set (reg:DI 80)
        (const_int 38654705672 [0x900000008])) "/app/example.c":29:9 -1
(insn 13 12 14 2 (set (mem:DI (reg/f:SI 79) [2 *data_4+0 S8 A64])
        (reg:DI 80)) "/app/example.c":29:9 -1
(insn 14 13 15 2 (set (reg/f:SI 81)
        (mem/f/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 67 virtual-stack-vars)
                (const_int -4 [0xfffffffffffffffc])) [6 data+0 S4 A32])) "/app/example.c":30:3 -1
(insn 15 14 16 2 (set (reg:DI 72 [ _1 ])
        (mem:DI (reg/f:SI 81) [2 *data_4+0 S8 A64])) "/app/example.c":30:3 -1
(insn 16 15 17 2 (set (reg:SI 82)
        (const_int 10 [0xa])) "/app/example.c":30:3 -1
(insn 17 16 18 2 (set (mem:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 69 virtual-outgoing-args)
                (const_int 4 [0x4])) [0  S4 A32])
        (reg:SI 82)) "/app/example.c":30:3 -1
(insn 18 17 19 2 (set (mem:SI (reg/f:SI 69 virtual-outgoing-args) [0  S4 A64])
        (subreg:SI (reg:DI 72 [ _1 ]) 4)) "/app/example.c":30:3 -1
(insn 19 18 20 2 (set (reg:SI 17 a7)
        (subreg:SI (reg:DI 72 [ _1 ]) 0)) "/app/example.c":30:3 -1
(insn 20 19 21 2 (set (reg:SI 16 a6)
        (const_int 7 [0x7])) "/app/example.c":30:3 -1
(insn 21 20 22 2 (set (reg:SI 15 a5)
        (const_int 6 [0x6])) "/app/example.c":30:3 -1
(insn 22 21 23 2 (set (reg:SI 14 a4)
        (const_int 5 [0x5])) "/app/example.c":30:3 -1
(insn 23 22 24 2 (set (reg:SI 13 a3)
        (const_int 4 [0x4])) "/app/example.c":30:3 -1
(insn 24 23 25 2 (set (reg:SI 12 a2)
        (const_int 3 [0x3])) "/app/example.c":30:3 -1
(insn 25 24 26 2 (set (reg:SI 11 a1)
        (const_int 2 [0x2])) "/app/example.c":30:3 -1
(insn 26 25 27 2 (set (reg:SI 10 a0)
        (const_int 1 [0x1])) "/app/example.c":30:3 -1
(call_insn 27 26 28 2 (parallel [
            (call (mem:SI (symbol_ref:SI ("long_args") [flags 0x3]  <function_decl 0x7f3279235300 long_args>) [0 long_args S4 A32])
                (const_int 8 [0x8]))
            (clobber (reg:SI 1 ra))
        ]) "/app/example.c":30:3 -1
    (expr_list:SI (use (reg:SI 10 a0))
        (expr_list:SI (use (reg:SI 11 a1))
            (expr_list:SI (use (reg:SI 12 a2))
                (expr_list:SI (use (reg:SI 13 a3))
                    (expr_list:SI (use (reg:SI 14 a4))
                        (expr_list:SI (use (reg:SI 15 a5))
                            (expr_list:SI (use (reg:SI 16 a6))
                                (expr_list (use (reg:SI 17 a7))
                                    (expr_list:DI (use (mem:SI (reg/f:SI 69 virtual-outgoing-args) [0  S4 A64]))
                                        (expr_list:SI (use (mem:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 69 virtual-outgoing-args)
                                                        (const_int 4 [0x4])) [0  S4 A32]))
(insn 28 27 29 2 (set (reg:SI 83)
        (const_int 8 [0x8])) "/app/example.c":31:3 -1
(insn 29 28 30 2 (set (mem:SI (reg/f:SI 69 virtual-outgoing-args) [0  S4 A32])
        (reg:SI 83)) "/app/example.c":31:3 -1
(insn 30 29 31 2 (set (reg:SI 17 a7)
        (const_int 7 [0x7])) "/app/example.c":31:3 -1
(insn 31 30 32 2 (set (reg:SI 16 a6)
        (const_int 6 [0x6])) "/app/example.c":31:3 -1
(insn 32 31 33 2 (set (reg:SI 15 a5)
        (const_int 5 [0x5])) "/app/example.c":31:3 -1
(insn 33 32 34 2 (set (reg:SI 14 a4)
        (const_int 4 [0x4])) "/app/example.c":31:3 -1
(insn 34 33 35 2 (set (reg:SI 13 a3)
        (const_int 3 [0x3])) "/app/example.c":31:3 -1
(insn 35 34 36 2 (set (reg:SI 12 a2)
        (const_int 2 [0x2])) "/app/example.c":31:3 -1
(insn 36 35 37 2 (set (reg:SI 11 a1)
        (const_int 1 [0x1])) "/app/example.c":31:3 -1
(insn 37 36 38 2 (set (reg:SI 10 a0)
        (const_int 8 [0x8])) "/app/example.c":31:3 -1
(call_insn 38 37 39 2 (parallel [
            (set (reg:SI 10 a0)
                (call (mem:SI (symbol_ref:SI ("va_sum") [flags 0x3]  <function_decl 0x7f3279235400 va_sum>) [0 va_sum S4 A32])
                    (const_int 8 [0x8])))
            (clobber (reg:SI 1 ra))
        ]) "/app/example.c":31:3 -1
    (expr_list:SI (use (reg:SI 10 a0))
        (expr_list:SI (use (reg:SI 11 a1))
            (expr_list:SI (use (reg:SI 12 a2))
                (expr_list:SI (use (reg:SI 13 a3))
                    (expr_list:SI (use (reg:SI 14 a4))
                        (expr_list:SI (use (reg:SI 15 a5))
                            (expr_list:SI (use (reg:SI 16 a6))
                                (expr_list:SI (use (reg:SI 17 a7))
                                    (expr_list:SI (use (mem:SI (reg/f:SI 69 virtual-outgoing-args) [0  S4 A32]))
(insn 39 38 42 2 (set (reg:SI 73 [ _8 ])
        (const_int 0 [0])) "<built-in>":0:0 -1
(insn 42 39 46 2 (set (reg:SI 74 [ <retval> ])
        (reg:SI 73 [ _8 ])) "<built-in>":0:0 -1
(insn 46 42 47 2 (set (reg/i:SI 10 a0)
        (reg:SI 74 [ <retval> ])) "/app/example.c":32:1 -1
(insn 47 46 0 2 (use (reg/i:SI 10 a0)) "/app/example.c":32:1 -1

接来下看下long_args是如何接收参数和返回内容的,如下代码所示。可以看到a7(arg8的低4字节内容)被存储到virtual-incoming-args + 4的位置(指令13)。为什么是+4呢?这是因为arg8有4字节会通过寄存器传递,即GCC中的pretend_args_size字段为4字节,RV32下会做STACK_BYTES对齐之后为8字节。因此需要分配8字节的partial register区域。virtual-incoming-args指向virtual-outgoing-args - pretend_args_size的位置。因此virtual-incoming-args + 4就和main中的virtual-outgoing-args - 4一致。将a7中的内容存储到virtual-outgoing-args - 4中就和放在virtual-outgoing-args处的arg8的高4字节相邻,两者合并组成了完整的arg8的内容。随后将其内容加载到寄存器a0和a1中(指令13),然后传给函数f作为其第一个参数。

(insn 2 11 3 2 (set (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 67 virtual-stack-vars)
                (const_int -4 [0xfffffffffffffffc])) [1 a1+0 S4 A32])
        (reg:SI 10 a0 [ a1 ])) "/app/example.c":8:1 -1
(insn 3 2 4 2 (set (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 67 virtual-stack-vars)
                (const_int -8 [0xfffffffffffffff8])) [1 a2+0 S4 A32])
        (reg:SI 11 a1 [ a2 ])) "/app/example.c":8:1 -1
(insn 4 3 5 2 (set (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 67 virtual-stack-vars)
                (const_int -12 [0xfffffffffffffff4])) [1 a3+0 S4 A32])
        (reg:SI 12 a2 [ a3 ])) "/app/example.c":8:1 -1
(insn 5 4 6 2 (set (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 67 virtual-stack-vars)
                (const_int -16 [0xfffffffffffffff0])) [1 a4+0 S4 A32])
        (reg:SI 13 a3 [ a4 ])) "/app/example.c":8:1 -1
(insn 6 5 7 2 (set (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 67 virtual-stack-vars)
                (const_int -20 [0xffffffffffffffec])) [1 a5+0 S4 A32])
        (reg:SI 14 a4 [ a5 ])) "/app/example.c":8:1 -1
(insn 7 6 8 2 (set (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 67 virtual-stack-vars)
                (const_int -24 [0xffffffffffffffe8])) [1 a6+0 S4 A32])
        (reg:SI 15 a5 [ a6 ])) "/app/example.c":8:1 -1
(insn 8 7 9 2 (set (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 67 virtual-stack-vars)
                (const_int -28 [0xffffffffffffffe4])) [1 a7+0 S4 A32])
        (reg:SI 16 a6 [ a7 ])) "/app/example.c":8:1 -1
(insn 9 8 10 2 (set (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 66 virtual-incoming-args)
                (const_int 4 [0x4])) [2 a8+0 S4 A64])
        (reg:SI 17 a7)) "/app/example.c":8:1 -1
(insn 13 10 14 2 (set (reg:DI 10 a0)
        (mem/c:DI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 66 virtual-incoming-args)
                (const_int 4 [0x4])) [2 a8+0 S8 A64])) "/app/example.c":9:3 -1
(call_insn 14 13 0 2 (parallel [
            (call (mem:SI (symbol_ref:SI ("f") [flags 0x41]  <function_decl 0x7f3279235200 f>) [0 f S4 A32])
                (const_int 0 [0]))
            (clobber (reg:SI 1 ra))
        ]) "/app/example.c":9:3 -1
    (expr_list:DI (use (reg:DI 10 a0))


/* gcc/config/riscv/ */
static void
riscv_compute_frame_info (void)
  /* At the bottom of the frame are any outgoing stack arguments. */
  offset = riscv_stack_align (crtl->outgoing_args_size);
  /* Next are local stack variables. */
  offset += riscv_stack_align (get_frame_size ());
  /* The virtual frame pointer points above the local variables. */
  frame->frame_pointer_offset = offset;
  /* Next are the callee-saved FPRs. */
  if (frame->fmask)
    offset += riscv_stack_align (num_f_saved * UNITS_PER_FP_REG);

  frame->fp_sp_offset = offset - UNITS_PER_FP_REG;
  /* Next are the callee-saved GPRs. */
  if (frame->mask)
    offset += riscv_stack_align (num_x_saved * UNITS_PER_WORD);
  // 减去UNITS_PER_WORD的目的因该是为了使stack_pointer_rtx + gp_sp_offset指向第一个callee-saved寄存器,上面的fp_sp_offset也是类似的。
  frame->gp_sp_offset = offset - UNITS_PER_WORD;
  /* The hard frame pointer points above the callee-saved GPRs. */
  frame->hard_frame_pointer_offset = offset;
  // varargs_size和pretend_args_size最多有一个不为0,或者两个都为0
  /* Above the hard frame pointer is the callee-allocated varags save area. */
  offset += riscv_stack_align (cfun->machine->varargs_size);
  /* Next is the callee-allocated area for pretend stack arguments.  */
  offset += riscv_stack_align (crtl->args.pretend_args_size);
  /* Arg pointer must be below pretend args, but must be above alignment
     padding.  */
  // 如果pretend_args_size为0,即没有出现部分通过寄存器传递的情况,则callee的virtual-incoming-args跟caller的virtual-outgoing-args一致
  // 如果pretend_args_size不为0,则需要调整virtual-incoming-args为virtual-outgoing-args-pretend_args_size
  frame->arg_pointer_offset = offset - crtl->args.pretend_args_size;


在访问匿名参数的时候,ap变量指向varargs区域,每当执行va_arg(ap, int)时,就会对ap递增sizeof int字节。从这里可以看出来,匿名参数传入时的类型和访问匿名参数时解释的类型没有关联。

(insn 2 11 3 2 (set (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 67 virtual-stack-vars)
                (const_int -20 [0xffffffffffffffec])) [1 args_num+0 S4 A32])
        (reg:SI 10 a0 [ args_num ])) "/app/example.c":13:1 -1
(insn 3 2 4 2 (set (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 66 virtual-incoming-args)
                (const_int -28 [0xffffffffffffffe4])) [0  S4 A8])
        (reg:SI 11 a1)) "/app/example.c":13:1 -1
(insn 4 3 5 2 (set (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 66 virtual-incoming-args)
                (const_int -24 [0xffffffffffffffe8])) [0  S4 A8])
        (reg:SI 12 a2)) "/app/example.c":13:1 -1
(insn 5 4 6 2 (set (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 66 virtual-incoming-args)
                (const_int -20 [0xffffffffffffffec])) [0  S4 A8])
        (reg:SI 13 a3)) "/app/example.c":13:1 -1
(insn 6 5 7 2 (set (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 66 virtual-incoming-args)
                (const_int -16 [0xfffffffffffffff0])) [0  S4 A8])
        (reg:SI 14 a4)) "/app/example.c":13:1 -1
(insn 7 6 8 2 (set (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 66 virtual-incoming-args)
                (const_int -12 [0xfffffffffffffff4])) [0  S4 A8])
        (reg:SI 15 a5)) "/app/example.c":13:1 -1
(insn 8 7 9 2 (set (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 66 virtual-incoming-args)
                (const_int -8 [0xfffffffffffffff8])) [0  S4 A8])
        (reg:SI 16 a6)) "/app/example.c":13:1 -1
(insn 9 8 10 2 (set (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 66 virtual-incoming-args)
                (const_int -4 [0xfffffffffffffffc])) [0  S4 A8])
        (reg:SI 17 a7)) "/app/example.c":13:1 -1
(note 10 9 13 2 NOTE_INSN_FUNCTION_BEG)
(insn 13 10 14 2 (set (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 67 virtual-stack-vars)
                (const_int -4 [0xfffffffffffffffc])) [1 sum+0 S4 A32])
        (const_int 0 [0])) "/app/example.c":14:7 -1
(insn 14 13 15 2 (set (reg:SI 76)
        (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 66 virtual-incoming-args)
            (const_int 0 [0]))) "/app/example.c":16:3 -1
(insn 15 14 16 2 (set (reg:SI 77)
        (plus:SI (reg:SI 76)
            (const_int -28 [0xffffffffffffffe4]))) "/app/example.c":16:3 -1
(insn 16 15 17 2 (set (mem/f/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 67 virtual-stack-vars)
                (const_int -16 [0xfffffffffffffff0])) [4 MEM[(void * *)&ap]+0 S4 A64])
        (reg:SI 77)) "/app/example.c":16:3 -1
(insn 17 16 18 2 (set (reg:SI 78)
        (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 67 virtual-stack-vars)
                (const_int -20 [0xffffffffffffffec])) [1 args_num+0 S4 A32])) "/app/example.c":17:12 -1
(insn 18 17 19 2 (set (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 67 virtual-stack-vars)
                (const_int -8 [0xfffffffffffffff8])) [1 i+0 S4 A64])
        (reg:SI 78)) "/app/example.c":17:12 -1
(jump_insn 19 18 20 2 (set (pc)
        (label_ref 34)) "/app/example.c":17:3 -1
 -> 34)
(barrier 20 19 36)
(code_label 36 20 21 4 4 (nil) [1 uses])
(insn 22 21 23 4 (set (reg/f:SI 73 [ D.1490 ])
        (mem/f/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 67 virtual-stack-vars)
                (const_int -16 [0xfffffffffffffff0])) [4 ap+0 S4 A64])) "/app/example.c":19:9 -1
(insn 23 22 24 4 (set (reg/f:SI 74 [ D.1491 ])
        (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 73 [ D.1490 ])
            (const_int 4 [0x4]))) "/app/example.c":19:9 -1
(insn 24 23 25 4 (set (mem/f/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 67 virtual-stack-vars)
                (const_int -16 [0xfffffffffffffff0])) [4 ap+0 S4 A64])
        (reg/f:SI 74 [ D.1491 ])) "/app/example.c":19:9 -1
(insn 25 24 26 4 (set (reg:SI 79)
        (mem:SI (reg/f:SI 73 [ D.1490 ]) [1 MEM[(int *)_16]+0 S4 A32])) "/app/example.c":19:9 -1
(insn 26 25 27 4 (set (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 67 virtual-stack-vars)
                (const_int -12 [0xfffffffffffffff4])) [1 arg+0 S4 A32])
        (reg:SI 79)) "/app/example.c":19:9 -1
(insn 27 26 28 4 (set (reg:SI 81)
        (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 67 virtual-stack-vars)
                (const_int -4 [0xfffffffffffffffc])) [1 sum+0 S4 A32])) "/app/example.c":20:9 -1
(insn 28 27 29 4 (set (reg:SI 82)
        (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 67 virtual-stack-vars)
                (const_int -12 [0xfffffffffffffff4])) [1 arg+0 S4 A32])) "/app/example.c":20:9 -1
(insn 29 28 30 4 (set (reg:SI 80)
        (plus:SI (reg:SI 81)
            (reg:SI 82))) "/app/example.c":20:9 -1
(insn 30 29 31 4 (set (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 67 virtual-stack-vars)
                (const_int -4 [0xfffffffffffffffc])) [1 sum+0 S4 A32])
        (reg:SI 80)) "/app/example.c":20:9 -1
(insn 31 30 32 4 (set (reg:SI 84)
        (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 67 virtual-stack-vars)
                (const_int -8 [0xfffffffffffffff8])) [1 i+0 S4 A64])) "/app/example.c":17:34 -1
(insn 32 31 33 4 (set (reg:SI 83)
        (plus:SI (reg:SI 84)
            (const_int -1 [0xffffffffffffffff]))) "/app/example.c":17:34 -1
(insn 33 32 34 4 (set (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 67 virtual-stack-vars)
                (const_int -8 [0xfffffffffffffff8])) [1 i+0 S4 A64])
        (reg:SI 83)) "/app/example.c":17:34 -1
(code_label 34 33 35 5 3 (nil) [1 uses])
(insn 39 35 40 5 (set (reg:SI 85)
        (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 67 virtual-stack-vars)
                (const_int -8 [0xfffffffffffffff8])) [1 i+0 S4 A64])) "/app/example.c":17:28 -1
(jump_insn 40 39 41 5 (set (pc)
        (if_then_else (gt (reg:SI 85)
                (const_int 0 [0]))
            (label_ref 36)
            (pc))) "/app/example.c":17:28 -1
 -> 36)
(insn 42 41 45 6 (set (reg:SI 72 [ _10 ])
        (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 67 virtual-stack-vars)
                (const_int -4 [0xfffffffffffffffc])) [1 sum+0 S4 A32])) "/app/example.c":23:10 -1
(insn 45 42 49 6 (set (reg:SI 75 [ <retval> ])
        (reg:SI 72 [ _10 ])) "/app/example.c":23:10 -1
(insn 49 45 50 6 (set (reg/i:SI 10 a0)
        (reg:SI 75 [ <retval> ])) "/app/example.c":24:1 -1
(insn 50 49 0 6 (use (reg/i:SI 10 a0)) "/app/example.c":24:1 -1




  1. 调用Hooks TARGET_FUNCTION_ARG 和 TARGET_ARG_PARTIAL_BYTES 确定每个参数如何传递(根据RISC-V的调用约定),确定这些问题:当前参数完全通过寄存器传递?当前参数部分通过寄存器,部分通过栈传递?当前参数全部通过栈传递?
  2. expand每个参数,将对应的结果放到对应的位置(栈参数的位置为virtual_outgoing_args_rtx + arg_offset)并生成对应RTX指令。在小端模式下,栈参数按照远离callee栈帧方向存放(即前面的栈参数靠近callee栈帧,后面的栈参数远离callee栈帧)。
  3. 在处理函数体中的函数调用时,根据需要更新outgoing区域的最大值。


/* gcc/ */
rtx expand_call (tree exp, rtx target, int ignore)

  /* 为1表示函数将返回值存到传入的返回内存地址参数中 */
  int structure_value_addr_parm;
  /* 参数总个数,包含返回值参数(如果需要的话) */
  int num_actuals;
  /* 命名参数个数 */
  int n_named_args;
  /* 存储每个参数的信息,比如通过寄存器还是stack传递 */
  struct arg_data *args;
  /* 栈参数的大小,每处理一个栈参数就会更新一次 */
  struct args_size args_size;

  /* 记录已分配的参数信息,该结构由machine自定义。
     可以用来记录前面参数寄存器的分配情况 */
  CUMULATIVE_ARGS args_so_far_v;
  cumulative_args_t args_so_far;

  /* 表示machine是否提供push入栈指令,如果不提供,这需要提前分配好所需的outgoing区域,argblock为该区域的地址 */
  int must_preallocate = !targetm.calls.push_argument (0);
  rtx argblock = 0;

  num_actuals =
    call_expr_nargs (exp) + num_complex_actuals + structure_value_addr_parm;

  /* 调用machine定义的INIT_CUMULATIVE_ARGS进行初始化 */
  INIT_CUMULATIVE_ARGS (args_so_far_v, funtype, NULL_RTX, fndecl, n_named_args);
  args_so_far = pack_cumulative_args (&args_so_far_v);

  /* 创建存储参数的数组(逆序存放) */
  args = XCNEWVEC (struct arg_data, num_actuals);

  /* 确定每个参数的传递方式和大小,保存在args数组和args_size中
       TARGET_FUNCTION_ARG 确定参数是否从reg传递
       TARGET_ARG_PARTIAL_BYTES 计算通过register传递的大小,可以部分通过寄存器,部分通过栈传递 */
  initialize_argument_information (num_actuals, args, &args_size,
                                   n_named_args, exp,
                                   structure_value_addr_value, fndecl, fntype,
                                   args_so_far, reg_parm_stack_space,
                                   &old_stack_level, &old_pending_adj,
                                   &must_preallocate, &flags,
                                   &try_tail_call, CALL_FROM_THUNK_P (exp));

  for (pass = try_tail_call ? 0 : 1; pass < 2; pass++)
      adjusted_args_size = args_size;

      if (pass)
        /* 提前处理参数是call_exp的情况 */
	      precompute_arguments (num_actuals, args);

      if (pass == 0) ...
      else if (adjusted_args_size.var != 0) ...
          poly_int64 needed = adjusted_args_size.constant;
          /* 更新outgoing区域的最大值 */
          crtl->outgoing_args_size = upper_bound (crtl->outgoing_args_size,
          if (must_preallocate)
                  /* 栈参数地址 */
                  argblock = virtual_outgoing_args_rtx;
      /* 根据栈参数的内存地址args[i].stack和stack_slot,
           (mem (plus (reg virtual-outgoing-args)
                      (const_int args[i].locate.offset))) */
      compute_argument_addresses (args, argblock, num_actuals);

      /* expand寄存器参数tree */
      precompute_register_parameters (num_actuals, args, &reg_parm_seen);

      /* 将栈参数expand并emit存储到对应的stack位置的指令,rtx如下:
         (set (mem (plus (reg virtual-outgoing-args)
                         (const_int args[i].locate.offset)))
              args[i].value) */
      for (i = 0; i < num_actuals; i++)
          if (args[i].reg == 0 || args[i].pass_on_stack)
              store_one_arg (&args[i], argblock, flags,
                             adjusted_args_size.var != 0,

      /* partial参数的stack部分expand存储到stack中,reg部分存储到对应硬件寄存器 */
      if (reg_parm_seen)
        for (i = 0; i < num_actuals; i++)
          if (args[i].partial != 0 && ! args[i].pass_on_stack)
              store_one_arg (&args[i], argblock, flags,
                             adjusted_args_size.var != 0,

      /* 生成move指令将完全通过寄存器传递的参数存放到对应硬件寄存器,rtx如下:
         (set args[i].reg args[i].value) */
      load_register_parameters (args, num_actuals, &call_fusage, flags,
				                        pass == 0, &sibcall_failure);




  expand_used_vars // 展开函数局部变量
    for each>num_partitions
    for each local decl
    if stack_vars_num > 0
  expand_function_start // 展开函数参数和返回值
    assign_parms // 展开函数参数
        assign_parm_find_stack_rtl // 确定存放的栈位置
        assign_parm_adjust_entry_rtl // 调整entry_rtl,对于partial的情况需要将reg部分的内容生成store指令存储到指定的位置(即stack_rtl)
  for each basic block
    expand_gimple_basic_block // 展开每一个基本块
/* gcc/ */
unsigned int
pass_expand::execute (function *fun)

  /* 确定局部变量的栈位置或者寄存器位置 */
  start_sequence ();
  var_ret_seq = expand_used_vars (forced_stack_vars);
  var_seq = get_insns ();
  end_sequence ();


  /* 展开函数参数
     1. -O0的情况,将命名寄存器参数都存储到local stack中,由virtual-stack-vars+offset确定其栈位置,将匿名寄存器参数(不确定参数)存储到varargs区域,由virtual-incoming-args+offset确定其栈位置。刚好使其跟匿名栈参数连续地放在一起 */
  expand_function_start (current_function_decl);

  /* 以basic block为单位展开函数体,将gimple转化为rtx。
     在该过程中如果遇到对局部变量的引用或者修改,则根据前面确定的栈位置进行展开 */
  FOR_BB_BETWEEN (bb, init_block->next_bb, EXIT_BLOCK_PTR_FOR_FN (fun),
    bb = expand_gimple_basic_block (bb, var_ret_seq != NULL_RTX);

static rtx_insn *
expand_used_vars (bitmap forced_stack_vars)
  /* 1. */
  for (i = 0; i <>num_partitions; i++)
      if (bitmap_bit_p (SA.partitions_for_parm_default_defs, i))

      tree var = partition_to_var (, i);

      /* 尝试展开SSA对应的变量,即确定其rtx表达式
         -Ox时,能使用寄存器的局部变量都使用伪寄存器,然后交由寄存器分配pass确定哪些需要spill到栈上 */
      expand_one_ssa_partition (var);

  /* 2. */
  FOR_EACH_LOCAL_DECL (cfun, i, var)
      if (is_gimple_reg (var))
          /* 早已展开 */
          TREE_USED (var) = 0;
          goto next;
      else if (TREE_STATIC (var) || DECL_EXTERNAL (var))
	      expand_now = true;
      else if (TREE_USED (var))
	      expand_now = true;

      TREE_USED (var) = 1;

      if (expand_now)
        /* expand_one_var -> expand_one_stack_var -> expand_one_stack_var_1 */
        expand_one_var (var, true, true, forced_stack_vars);

  /* 3. 逐层作用域展开还未展开的变量 */
  expand_used_vars_for_block (outer_block, true, forced_stack_vars);

  /* 4. 展开延迟的栈变量 */
  if (stack_vars_num > 0)
      expand_stack_vars (NULL, &data);

static void
expand_one_ssa_partition (tree var)
  if (!use_register_for_decl (var))
      /* 变量必须存放在栈中 */
      if (defer_stack_allocation (var, true))
        /* 如果变量要延迟以便尝试进行栈复用(coalesced) */
	      add_stack_var (var, true);
        /* 立即展开 */
	      expand_one_stack_var_1 (var);
  /* 变量存放在寄存器 */
  machine_mode reg_mode = promote_ssa_mode (var, NULL);
  rtx x = gen_reg_rtx (reg_mode);

  set_rtl (var, x);

static void
expand_one_stack_var_1 (tree var)
  poly_uint64 size;
  poly_int64 offset;
  unsigned byte_align;

  if (TREE_CODE (var) == SSA_NAME)
      tree type = TREE_TYPE (var);
      size = tree_to_poly_uint64 (TYPE_SIZE_UNIT (type));
    size = tree_to_poly_uint64 (DECL_SIZE_UNIT (var));

  byte_align = align_local_variable (var, true);

  rtx base;
  if (hwasan_sanitize_stack_p ())
      /* 给变量分配栈空间 */
      offset = alloc_stack_frame_space (size, byte_align);
      base = virtual_stack_vars_rtx;

  expand_one_stack_var_at (var, base,
			   crtl->max_used_stack_slot_alignment, offset);



